Sunday, January 13, 2013


House is all empty once again.Daughter visited for 22 days and stayed glued so much so that even slept with me.Son visited for two days,did the same.They all left together,with better half having to go to my favourite city as someone very dear passed away.With everybody leaving,Kyra ofcourse lived up to her reputation.She decided to fall sick!Fever is on the rise,can't make out much other than that.At times it seems as if something is stuck in her throat...the guttural sound is anything but pleasant.

Hate winter evenings....its all so quiet after 7.Went for a brisk walk after a long,long time as two falls in a row had incapacitated me.To think I fell on the eve of my 50th and then again a month back .Better half just had his eye surgery when I  decided to fall again for the second time,this time hurting most where my disc is.The massive house and the severe winter is delaying the healing too.

Injury and me are inseparable.Stationary motorbike falling on me,driver deciding to drive the car on my left foot and then again the heavy cart going over my left foot at Chandini Chowk ,the road accident driving me to surgery which never solved the problem...People have started taking me lightly when they know I've injured myself once again.Ma tells me not to hurry,better half advising me to wear more woollens.....

Rambling always helps but wonder how the mute help themselves.

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