Monday, September 16, 2019

Sounding boards...

Its difficult to hold too many thoughts in mind.Its best to unleash at times,depending on time constraints of course. Need undisturbed space,time to do it though...

Was just watching younger,enthusiastic mothers how they must 'teach' their children the best be it values,winning/losing,and even mundane stuffs like handwriting(there are classes for it today!)Today's mothers are so focused,determined to give in their very best in parenting.Is it because the world has shrunk with no support system and they have barely other distractions other than immediate family and work(if any). They read,recommend  books,sites. Intuition,mostly stemming from being a mother,do not exist any longer. Forum discussions are also today's support system...sometimes even going to the lengths of prescribing medications. There's do much informed all over how to parent a child. Ibhad no support system and a workaholic husband in tow. Trusted my gut while bringing them up. Maybe I was wrong most times than right but as I say all teachers,mothers are not born knowing it all but if you enjoy the role,you mostly get most issues right, right?

Adolescent issues are dealt with after reading books or surfing the net.School counsellors are doing well too. But ask the latter how he/she was dealing with her kids,there is mostly not a very happy picture there.

How did our mothers solve issues? By calling up this aunt or that? Speaking about issues loudly about it too! Didn't we mostly learn by watching,making mistakes?Would I be wrong in saying we were less mollycoddled,protected? At least,I was amongst 3 siblings,me the girl amongst boys. That too made be very strong and more so because I lost my father very young who
 would jump to my defence once in a while untill my baby brother decided to announce his arrival!

Guess its all to do with generation comparison.We all do it at some point in life.Our mothers/in laws....all did it too! We at least can blog,give vent through written words!Or are we very good with words these days? Most of us have to tweet,put up posts on FB,blog or are we becoming lonelier?

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